Archives For November 30, 1999

If you have a REST API integration with Sugar, you are likely using a custom platform as part of that integration.  Beginning in the Winter ‘18 release, Sugar is enforcing a rule that all custom platforms must be registered in each Sugar instance where a custom platform is used.  For more details on the rule itself, see Matt’s earlier blog post: Unknown platforms to be restricted in Winter ‘18 release.

The bad news?  This change that requires all custom platforms to be registered probably affects you.

The good news?  There is an easy fix, and I’ve written a tutorial that walks you step-by-step through how to implement the fix.

Check out the tutorial here!

Have you ever found yourself wishing you could create a custom Sidecar user interface within your Sugar instance? Maybe you want to allow users to visit a URL that displays a custom view.

It turns out that creating a linkable URL (or route) to within the Sugar client is fairly simple. In this post, I’ll walk you through how to implement a new route in your Sugar instance that displays an alert.

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Amazon RDS is a great platform for easily setting up, scaling out, and managing a relational database in the cloud, used by companies worldwide. We are SugarCRM are big users of RDS as a way to globally manage our On Demand infrastructure to deliver high uptime and customer satisfaction. Today at AWS re:Invent our very own Zac Sprackett, Vice President of Operations, will be speaking about our usage of RDS and some of the best practices for using RDS based on our experience managing our worldwide customer base here at SugarCRM.

Learn more about the session here, which is in room Lido 3006 today from 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM. You can also checkout our partner listing page at AWS for more information on why we use AWS to deliver customer value for our On Demand user base.

Editor’s Note: This post came from Sugar Community member Francesca Shiekh. Thanks Francesca!

In a previous post I shared a function that will find the relationship name for two modules. ( )

As I was importing some salesforce records into an existing implementation of SugarCRM I found myself needing to relate beans again and again.

So I created a function to link two beans. Given two beans, it looks up the relationship between them, if one is found then it links the two beans:

function link_record_beans($bean1, $bean2){
$m1 = $bean1->module_dir;
$m2 = $bean2->module_dir;
$rel=getRelationshipByModules($m1, $m2); //see link to previous post for this function
if($rel !== FALSE){
if($rel[1] == $m1){
$class = $bean1->object_name;
$id = $bean1->id;
$rel_id = $bean2->id;
}elseif($rel[1] == $m2){
$class = $bean2->object_name;
$id = $bean2->id;
$rel_id = $bean1->id;
$lhs = new $class;

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Hope this can be of use to others. Or if there is a better way to handle this let me know 😉


Integration with Sugar is very common where details from a remote system needs to be made available to Sugar users. The usual way to transfer data is to ask the remote system for all records that were recently created or … Continue reading

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We’re excited to announce TOM. The Sale Closer. as the August 2013 SugarOutfitters App of the Month. TOM is a unique iPad app that uses advanced Constraint Management methods to help you to close your sales opportunities from SugarCRM in the most effective way. Join us for a live demo August 21st on the next Sugar Community Webinar.

Name, title and brief bio?

Simon is director of TOMfor BV and Partner & co-founder of BPI-Group BV.

BPI-Group BV is a management-consulting group specialized in strategy development and program management for complex (client related) business environments for Industry, ICT, Healthcare and Pharma. TOMfor BV is developer of the TOM APP combining the experience, processes and know-how of many years of sales and sales process engineering in software tools for all customer related processes. Simon is specialized in Sales and Business Management, process engineering based on TOC, LEAN and SixSigma.

When you designed and built this app, what problems were you looking to solve for SugarCRM users and how does TOM solve those problems?

We have seen that many Sales People have problems focusing on and eliminating the most important constraints in their sales campaigns. A lot of time is spent on issues, which are less important and at the end a major constraint is blocking their deal. A waste of precious sales effort and time, which cannot be spent on attractive business one can win.

This is why we created TOM. Our sales APPs combine professional Opportunity Management with TOC (Theory of Constraints from Dr Eli Goldratt, author of the Goal). They support Sales to identify and eliminate their sales Constraints. We implemented that in such a way that Sales and Business Managers get a view on their most frequent opportunity constraints. We help Sales focusing on winning their business and give management access to real time information to analyze the Constraints and eliminate the Root-Cause. This will add substantial value for both Sales and Business Management.

What unique or interesting ways does TOM make it easy for users to use?

We believe that CRM is necessary but not sufficient for a company to be successful in the future. CRM provides critical data for executives to manage their business. But Sales, one of the most important sources of this information doesn’t get much value from their CRM systems. Our objective is to add value to Sales make them benefit from and use CRM. We want to make it as easy as possible for sales to reach their goal, which means “Meet or exceed their sales target”. TOM will help sales with constraint based opportunity management navigating to the order and provides Executives with information they need to have to support sales in closing the most attractive business deals. This is why we believe TOM creates a breakthrough is Sales and Business management.

What attracted you to being a part of the SugarCRM ecosystem?

I’ve worked most of my corporate career for Hewlett-Packard in the period that HP endorsed open systems and focused on partners for creating value for customers. SugarCRM being an Open Source company does have the same philosophy and is easy to get access to. Beside that SugarCRM is one of the fastest growing companies with a large installed base.

For someone who wants to create their own SugarCRM apps, what resources would you recommend that helped you?

My recommendation would be to work with SugarCRM regional management and the SugarCRM partners and position the APP in line with the SugarCRM strategy to leverage on their marketing and messaging. In our case we did focus on adding value to the SugarCRM user by providing them with the necessary opportunity management and tracking tools.

What is your vision for TOM? What can we expect to see in the future?

We introduced the first version of TOM. We are planning to add extensions for Key Account Management and Product & Program Management in the near future.

Want to learn more?

Check out TOM. The Sale Closer. Available at a special discounted price for SugarCRM users at SugarOutfitters.

When businesses or organizations have representatives calling 60-100 people from different companies each day, there is most likely at least one script that the callers will memorize and then personalize it to make it their own. In an effort to make …

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For the Calls module, we have a “contact_name” link/relate field available in the Dashlet Listview. Using Studio, we made it available to the My Calls dashlet. It shows up in the Dashlet as an optional field and works as expected, linking to the invited Contact instead of the Related Account. The same is true for […]

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It’s an exciting time for any company when there are new leads or opportunities to explore. The opportunity of building a new relationship or the possibility of making a new sale can make anyone just a little bit giddy (don’t worry, there…

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I have two conferences coming up shortly that I’ll be speaking at, both which are conferences in their first year First, is Distill, happening August 8th and 9th in San Francisco. I’m excited to be showing a new talk, “Four Web Technologies you should be looking at now!”, where I talk about the emerging patterns in web […]

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