Archives For November 30, 1999

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SugarCRM is on a mission to empower our users to delight their customers. To that end, we are pleased to introduce the first phase of visual restyling, and give some tips on how to work with the new UX.


Our process in developing the new UX

Sugar 7 introduced the Sidecar framework with massive user interface improvements (called SugarUX) and a modernized architecture. Since then, we have been working hard on the next iteration of SugarUX built on the Sidecar framework. Our guiding principles came from our customers and their feedback on Sidecar. A competitive analysis and feedback from customers revealed three concerns; cluttered complicated UX, inefficient unguided layout, and a drab outdated user interface.

The SugarCRM User Experience team (led by Brian Ng) launched a rigorous heuristic evaluation of the web and mobile Sugar products. Issues were identified as we evaluated key use cases and new solutions were documented. This thorough understanding of the product, customers, and the industry has helped us identify which issues to address first.


Dark gray text on light gray background led to poor legibility. Heavy blacks and gray linen added to the dated look and feel.


Sugar Mobile had a dark and drab visual design. Buttons for key actions were positioned differently on key screens.

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Greg Khanlarov, Director of Mobile Development, is so excited about the launch of the new Sugar Mobile SDK that he is speechless!

If you are coming to SugarCon, make sure you get your hot hands on the new Sugar Mobile SDK first! On Tuesday, you can join Greg for his presentation Sugar Mobile SDK deep dive. Next Wednesday, at the UnCon Tutorials by the Experts, you can meet Greg and other folks from our Mobile development team and learn how to build your first custom Sugar Mobile app.

Read on for more details on the Sugar Mobile SDK!

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Here is an important message from David Wheeler, a long time Software Engineer and Architect at SugarCRM, about using e-mail fields correctly.

E-mail handling is core to CRM software. Almost everyone we know uses multiple e-mail addresses every single day for both personal or work purposes. So it goes without saying that managing a person’s multiple e-mail addresses correctly is essential in your Sugar customizations and integrations.

History of Sugar E-Mail fields

Several years ago, Sugar changed from using email# named text fields (like email1, email2, etc.) to using an e-mail relationship. This was done to better handle multiple e-mails, multiple relationships, and e-mail attributes like opt in or invalid.

However, use of the email1 field remains particularly persistent. We observe many examples of custom code (and some core code) that still use the old email# fields. This is probably because it is convenient to use the email1 field like a regular text field.

But this is out of date, inaccurate, deprecated, and subject to removal in upcoming Sugar releases.

Below we will describe the proper method for using e-mail fields within Sugar customizations and integrations.

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In our last post we covered the basics of adding a custom chart layout. Today’s post will build on that example to cover some of the more advanced configurations that are possible using charts in Sugar.  Like the previous post, this is targeted at a beginner to intermediate skilled Sugar Developer who is interested in building custom charts.

Multiple Charts On the Same View

Previously we explored how to display a single chart on a view. Displaying more than a single chart on the view is also very easy too.

In order to add a second chart, you may be tempted to create another chart object in the initialize() method but that is not necessarily how Sugar Charts works.  The “chart” property in the view controller is a Chart factory. Chart factories will not affect how your view is rendered unless you do something with them. You can use the same factory’s call() method to construct the same style of chart multiple times.

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This blog will be the first in a two part series on building Charts components for Sugar 7. This post is targeted at beginner to intermediate Sugar Developers who want to learn how to build their first Chart component.

This post assumes some basic knowledge of Sugar 7 development, Sugar 7 administration, JavaScript, and PHP.  This information should be useful to anyone who has an interest in Sugar 7 development.

The examples in this post were created on an out-of-the-box installation of Sugar Professional  But this technique should work on any on-premise Sugar 7 instance.


You may have noticed that a number of out of the box dashlets and views contain various fancy charts and visualizations.  This is possible because Sugar has a charting component build into it.  You can make use of this to display charts within your own custom dashlets, views or layouts.

In this post, we will focus on the “LineChart” type. There are other chart types that use different data formats and chart options but the general techniques covered here will work for all chart types.  These examples were implemented in a basic custom view but they will also work within dashlets.

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Here is another guest post from Shijin Krishna from BHEA Technologies.

When a user logs into Sugar 7, an OAuth access token (with a 1 hour timeout by default) and a refresh token (with a 2 week timeout by default) are returned. When the access token expires, Sugar will automatically retrieve another access token as long as the refresh token is valid. This allows a user to use a Sugar browser tab for days on end without having to log back in.

Automated notification requests are made to the server on the user’s behalf at a default interval of every 5 minutes. These requests will allow the current session to remain active without actual user input. So tracking user activity by adjusting access token and refresh token expiry time or tracking network activity alone is not a good idea.

In this blog we are going to explore a way to track a user’s true idle time based on actual user interface activity. For example, one or more of clicks, typing, mouse movements etc. To track a user’s idle time we will use the JQuery IdleTimeout plugin.

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Upgrading our Backbone

Have you done some Sidecar programming lately? Then you have been using Backbone. Backbone is the err… backbone of Sidecar. It provides all the base MVC classes which are extended by Sidecar to create the Sugar 7 UI. For example, all Sidecar controllers (Views, Layouts, Fields) extend from the Backbone View class.

Ultimately, a solid background in Backbone programming will turn you into a Sidecar wizard in no time.

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All Sidecar controllers, such as the Record View controller,  extends from the Backbone View class

But if you are a Backbone aficionado then you might have noticed that Sugar 7.7 and earlier versions uses an old version of Backbone (specifically Backbone 0.9.10). We have been missing out on bug fixes and miscellaneous feature improvements. So for Sugar 7.8 we will be moving to Backbone 1.2.3.  Since Backbone.js has a hard dependency on Underscore.js, we will also upgrade the Underscore library from 1.4.4 to 1.8.3.

All Sugar Developers should check out the Backbone changelog and the Underscore changelog to see if their code customizations could be impacted by this long overdue library upgrade.

Read on to learn more about some adjustments you need to make to your Sugar code.

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There are so many possible approaches for integrating with Sugar that selecting the best one can be tricky.

When deciding to add new components into the Sugar user interface, the number of possibilities to consider is dizzying.

Should I build a new component or override an existing one?

Am I building a View, Layout, or custom Fields?

Will a Dashlet give me enough screen real estate or will I need to create a new layout?

The goal of the Sugar Integration Building Blocks open source project is to provide sample code and most importantly the underlying design patterns that makes it easy to build best practice integrations.

Some integration use cases mean that a primary action has to be added to a Record or List view. For example, you may need to launch a wizard interface such one used with a Configure Price Quote (CPQ) solution on an Opportunity record.

A common CPQ flow would be to have a custom “Create Quote” action on an Opportunity record. This would launch an expansive Configurator wizard that, when complete, will need to push the new Quote, new Revenue Line Items, etc, back to the original Opportunity record.

The standard approach for this would be to add a button to the Record View or List View that launches a Drawer.

In order to make this design approach easier, we have added an HTML iframe drawer action as a new Building Block!  Now it is very easy to build a complete integration or proof of concept that utilizes a drawer!

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An example “Open Drawer” action

Read more below to learn how it works.  It was designed in an upgrade safe way that does not interfere with any existing customizations that may exist on Record views or List views.

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This post is a follow up on a question we posed on the Sugar Developer Community.

The “Rebuild Minified JS Files” action is used to rebuild the contents of the jssource directory.


We are considering removing this particular action from the UI because, generally, rebuilding the minfied JS files is not something we would expect most users to need to do.  While customizing jssource files is not upgrade safe, we recognize some folks in Sugar Developer community may be using this action for one reason or another.

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Here is another guest post from Shijin Krishna from BHEA, an Elite SugarCRM Partner!

Notes is a common module used to track ad hoc information within Sugar. Sugar Enterprise customers that use the Customer Self-Service Portal will notice that comments logged in that system appear as Notes within Sugar.  So making sure there are not any unread Notes can be important daily task for these users. But how do you know if you have viewed each Note already?

In this post we are going to explore how we can add Read and Unread statuses to the Notes module.

This idea is taken from the Sugar Notifications Module which also comes out of the box with Sugar. Basically we will have a new field type styled with Bootstrap labels. The Notes status field will be highlighted with a green label if it has been read and a red label if it is unread.

This new field will be available for Record, List and Subpanel List views. The status will automatically change to Read when any Sugar user opens and views a Note. Notes created through Customer Self-Service Portal will be marked Unread while those created in Sugar by regular Sugar users will be marked as Read.  However, Sugar users will also be provided the option to toggle this status by clicking the viewed status label.

We will also provide mass update functionality to update the status of many selected notes all at once!  Whew!

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